Feb 27, 2012


I was able to find a few unusual treasures this evening. Unsurprisingly, several of tonight's offerings were found with a light dusting of snow, but I feel that just adds character (kind of like having white hair).

Check it out:

(Somerset, east of Cartier)

From a distance, this magnificent pile almost looks a bit like an enormous snowman; although the sculptor in this instance has deviated somewhat from the classic 3-ball stack snowman archetype (which to be honest, seems to bear more of a resemblance to an ice cream cone than a human).

Anyway, it turns out it's actually a couch.

(Maclaren, west of MacDonald)

Originally I had thought that this was an incomplete futon covered in snow, but when I took a closer look, I realized that the fabric is actually covered in white flecks. From this, I deduced that it must just be an outdoor bench with a snow-camouflage exterior. Feel free to have a seat on it if you're passing by, though if it's anything like a futon, I wouldn't recommend it.

(Somerset, east of Cartier)

It looked like someone may have already nabbed a few pieces from this pile, but as you can see, there's still some pretty interesting stuff remaining. I think this collection of items would be ideal for anyone looking to start up a business office in the early 90's.

(Somerset, west of Cartier)

Oh look, a treadmill. I wasn't able to plug it in and test it out, though if it is indeed functional, I would hope that it takes into account the reduced speed of walking through a snow-covered surface.

(O'Connor, north of Somerset)

My apologies for the low-quality image. My intention had been to get a clearer shot of this stuff, but my camera's battery apparently had other plans. In spite of this, I decided to go ahead and post it, since these were probably the nicest gems I spotted this evening.

In case it's unclear (which it probably is), the object on the ground appeared to be a fax / printer / scanner combo, which actually looked quite new. The table also seemed to be in nice condition, as evidenced by its ability to stand confidently on its own four legs.

I recommend!

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